Command-Line Syntax

MARKEXE uses the following syntax:

MARKEXE   [ / ? ]   [ FORCE ]   [ NO ]   [ option ]   filename . . .

Filename is a file name or a list of file names. Global file-name characters (*.EXE) also can be used. For descriptions of the above terms, see Syntax Definitions. If no option is given, DISPLAY is assumed.

Typing MARKEXE /? at the command line displays the appropriate copyright statement along with a list of options.

  DISPLAY         - display status of flags
  DLLINIT         - per-process initialization
  DLLTERM         - per-process termination
  WINDOWAPI       - window api (PM application)
  WINDOWCOMPAT    - window compatible application
  NOTWINDOWCOMPAT - not window compatible application
  UNSPECIFIED     - unspecified application type
  LFNS            - long file name support
  MPUNSAFE        - multi-processor unsafe application
  SETVERSION      - Write 32 bit Module Version Field

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