Response Files
A response file is a text file used to provide input to LINK386. To use
response file input for LINK386, type
LINK386 @responsefile
The @ symbol tells LINK386 that responsefile is the name of a response
file. If the file is not in the working directory, you must specify the
The field <responsefile> specifies the name of a file containing the
same input that would be entered on the command line or entered in response
to LINK386 prompts. In this file, each response should appear on a separate
line or be separated from other responses by a comma.
To operate LINK386 using a response file, you must first create a file that
contains the responses you want LINK386 to process. You can give the file
any name, and create it with any text editor.
Special Features:
- You can begin using a response file at any point on
the LINK386 Syntax or at any LINK386 prompt. The response file should contain
responses to all remaining fields or prompts.
- If the file does not contain responses for all the
prompts, LINK386 displays the appropriate prompt and waits for you to supply
a response. End the response file with a semicolon.
- You can use special characters in the response file
the same way you would use them in responses entered at the keyboard. For
example, you can extend input to a new line by using the plus sign (+) and
choose default responses for all remaining prompts by using a semicolon
- LINK386 displays prompts and the entries from the
response file on the screen. If the entry in the response file is not acceptable,
LINK386 pauses and waits for you to enter an acceptable response. The "Run
in Batch Mode (/BAT)" disables the prompt.
- Options can appear anywhere in the response file.
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