EXEHDR discovered an unknown signature xxxx in the header for the
file. The signature in the header of a file allows the operating system
to identify the type of the executable module. EXEHDR only recognizes signatures
for DOS modules (5A4DH), 16-bit OS/2 and Windows modules (454EH), and 32-bit
OS/2 modules (584CH). Make sure the file is not a DOS .com image, a 32-bit
Windows image, or other unrecognized module format.
automatic data segment greater than 64K; correcting heap size
There was not enough space in the automatic data segment to accommodate
the requested new heap size. The heap size has been adjusted to the maximum
available space. This error only occurs for 16-bit OS/2 applications. If
/HEAP or /STACKOS2 is used then the total size of DGROUP plus the heap plus
the stack must be less than 64K. The heap will be assigned 64K-1-DGROUP-STACK.
EXEHDR issues this warning to indicate that it performed the .EXE file modification
with a reduced HEAP value. Make sure the reduced value is acceptable.
automatic data segment greater than 64K; correcting stack size
There was not enough space in the automatic data segment to accommodate
the requested new stack size. The stack size has been adjusted to the maximum
available space. This error only occurs for 16-bit OS/2 applications. If
/HEAP or /STACKOS2 is used then the total size of DGROUP plus the heap plus
the stack must be less than 64K. This error occurs when the heap is zero.
The stack will be assigned 64K-1-DGROUP. ACTION: EXEHDR issues this warning
to indicate that it performed the .EXE file modification with a reduced
STACK value. Make sure the reduced value is acceptable.
invalid .EXE file : actual length less than reported
The second and third fields in the input DOS file header indicate a file
size greater than the actual size of the file. This error occurs in DOS
files only. EXEHDR assumes the file has been corrupted and will not perform
any modifications.
EXH1104: cannot change load-high
{#define ER_high}
When the minimum allocation value and the maximum allocation value are both
0, the file cannot be modified. Both minimum and maximum allocation of 0
is not a legal value for a DOS header. This is a DOS header only error condition.
Change either /MIN or /MAX to a non-zero value.
minimum allocation less than stack; correcting minimum
If the minimum allocation is not enough to accommodate the stack (either
the original stack request or the modified request), the minimum allocation
value is adjusted. This error applies only to DOS programs. This is a warning
to indicate that EXEHDR has modified the /MIN value to create a legal DOS
.EXE header. Make sure the new /MIN value is acceptable.
minimum allocation greater than maximum; correcting maximum
If the minimum allocation is greater than the maximum allocation, the maximum
allocation value is adjusted. If a display of DOS header values is requested,
the values shown will be the values after the packed file is expanded. This
error applies only to DOS programs. This is a warning to indicate that EXEHDR
has modified the /MAX value to create a legal DOS .EXE header. Make sure
the new /MAX value is acceptable.
EXH1107: unexpected
end of resident/nonresident name table
While decoding run-time relocation records, EXEHDR found the end of the
resident/nonresident name table. The .EXE file is probably corrupted. This
error applies only to OS/2 and Windows programs. The current version of
EXEHDR will no longer issue this error. Therefore, report to IBM if you
receive this error with the current version of EXEHDR.
unknown format of relocation records
{#define ER_badreloc}
EXEHDR cannot decode the information in the file header because the header
is not in a standard format. The fixup relocation count is 0, which is not
permitted. This error applies only to OS/2 and Windows programs.
illegal value 'xxxx'
{#define ER_illval}
A command-line argument to EXEHDR contained an illegal value. Retry the
EXEHDR command with a correct option.
EXH1110: malformed
number xxxx
{#define ER_badnum}
A command-line option for EXEHDR required a value, but the specified number
was mistyped. Retry the EXEHDR command with a correct option.
option requires value
{#define ER_noval}
A command-line option for EXEHDR required a value, but no value was specified,
or the specified value was in an illegal format for the given option. Retry
the EXEHDR command with a correct option.
value out of legal range xxxx - xxxx
{#define ER_range1}
A command-line option for EXEHDR required a value, but the specified number
did not fall in the required decimal range. The
current version of EXEHDR will no longer issue this error. Therefore, report
to IBM if you receive this error with the current version of EXEHDR.
value out of legal range xxxxH - xxxxH
A command-line option for EXEHDR required a value, but the specified number
did not fall in the required hexadecimal range. Retry the EXEHDR command
with a correct option.
{#define ER_noval1}
A command-line option for EXEHDR required a value, but nothing was specified.
EXEHDR ignored the option. Retry the EXEHDR command with a correct option.
EXH1115: option xxxx ignored
A command-line option for EXEHDR was ignored. This error usually occurs
with error U1116, unrecognized option. Retry the EXEHDR command with a correct
EXH1116: unrecognized option: xxxx
A command-line option for EXEHDR was not recognized. This error usually
occurs with either U1115, option ignored, or U1111, option requires value.
Retry the EXEHDR command with a correct option.
The same option has been used more than once
You are not permitted to enter the same option more than once. Correct the
command line by entering each option only once.
Invalid option combination xxxx
{#define ER_combine}
Certain options can not be used together. For instance, /STACK is deprecated
and replace by /STACKDOS and /STACKOS2. You are not permitted to use /STACK
in combination with the replacement options. Remove the offending option.
EXH1119: /STACK deprecated, use /STACKDOS and/or
{#define ER_stackdep}
The /STACK option should no longer be used. Use the /STACKDOS and/or /STACKOS2
options instead. /STACK does not work on the LX 32-bit OS/2 binary files.
Furthermore, on NE 16-bit OS/2 and Windows binary files it will attempt
to change both the MZ DOS stub and the 16-bit NE stack values. This is potentially
dangerous because the 2 stacks may have no relationship to each other. By
changing one, you could accidently damage the other. To distinguish which
stack you want to change use /STACKDOS or /STACKOS2. If you need to change
both stacks, then use both the /STACKDOS and /STACKOS2 options. Remove the
/STACK option from your command line. Use the /STACKDOS and/or /STACKOS2
options instead.
EXH1120: input file missing
No input file was specified on the EXEHDR command line. Retry the EXEHDR
command with a correct filename.
EXH1121: command
line too long: xxxx
{#define ER_cmdmax}
The current version of EXEHDR will no longer issue this error. Therefore,
report to IBM if you receive this error with the current version of EXEHDR.
EXH1122: input filename too long: xxxx
The specified filename is longer than the allowable filename size. The current
maximum size is 256 characters. Retry the EXEHDR command with a correct
EXH1124: Invalid information level requested
{#define ER_badinfo}
DLL call to FileVerParseModuleVersion returns rc=124.
cannot read 'xxxx'
{#define ER_read}
EXEHDR could not read the input file. Either the file is missing or the
file attribute is set to prevent reading. Make sure the file was correctly
specified. If EXEHDR file modifying options are specified, make sure the
file is read/write accessable. File modifying options require the ability
to write to the file.
EXH1131: not valid .EXE file
{#define ER_illexe}
The input file specified on the EXEHDR command line was not a valid .EXE
EXH1132: unexpected end-of-file
EXEHDR found an unexpected end-of-file condition while reading the .EXE
file. The .EXE file is probably corrupt.
no Import Procedure Names Table
{#define ER_noimptab}
An offset value in the executable header indicated the presence of an Import
Procedure Names Table, but additional calculations
determined that the length of the table was zero; the table is therefore
non-existent. The file is either corrupt, or was incorrectly generated by
the linker. Regenerate the module or contact the supplier of the module
to obtain a repaired version.
EXH1134: loop in internal
fixup chain
{#define ER_chaincycle}
The file is either corrupt, or was incorrectly generated by the linker.
Regenerate the module or contact the supplier of the module to obtain a
repaired version.
EXH1140: out of memory
There was not enough memory for EXEHDR to decode the header of the executable
EXH1150: Not a valid module version value
{#define ER_badmodver}
The "Module Version" field of the module header has not been established.
Use the MARKEXE tool with the SETVERSION option to establish an appropriate
value for the Module Version field.