Set OS/2 Stack Allocation (/STACKOS2)

Syntax: /STACKOS2:nnnn

This option sets the size of the stack in the OS/2 header. The field nnnn contains the stack size in bytes. This option is equivalent to the Control Stack Size (/ST) (in LINK386 Help). OS/2 16-bit NE modules have a maximum stack size of 65,535. OS/2 32-bit LX modules have a maximum stack size of 4,294,967,295. The /STACKOS2 only changes the OS/2 header and has no effect on the DOS stub in the same module.

You can specify nnnn in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal radix using standard C language notation. For instance, an OS/2 stack size of 32,768 bytes can be expressed as any of the following:

Compare to /STACKDOS.


There is an old EXEHDR option /STACK that performed a function similar to /STACKDOS and /STACKOS2 combined. The /STACK option has serious limitations and has the potential to corrupt the header of an executable module. It it very strongly recommended that you do not use /STACK, and begin using /STACKDOS and /STACKOS2 instead.

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