This option allows you to gather controls into groups and to change the order in which the tab keys and arrow keys move the selection cursor around the controls.
When you use group boxes to group controls, always create the group box before the controls that are to go inside it.
It is good practice to put group markers around all separate groups of controls, including putting a marker before the first control in the list.
The list box shows the order in which the selection cursor moves between the controls when the user presses the arrow and tab keys. (The coordinate position of a control when displayed in the dialog box does not affect the order.) Initially, the controls are listed in the order in which they were created.
There are three functions involved in grouping controls:
Setting Group Markers
To set up groups in a dialog that has various types of controls, follow these steps:
Setting Tab Markers
After setting group markers, you will want to set tab-stops. The controls marked with an asterisk already have tab-stops.
To make the tab-stop at only the first control in each group, delete the tab-stops from the second and third radio button and check box, following these steps:
Moving Control Order
You can move controls in the list and then see during testing how the changes affect the movement of the cursor. To change the position of a control in the list, follow these steps:
After grouping controls, you might want to test or edit the dialog, or enter additional controls.