RESOURCE type-id resource-id [load-option] [mem-option] [code-page] filename or RESOURCE type-id resource-id [load-option] [mem-option] [code-page] BEGIN data-definition [, data-definition]... ... END
The RESOURCE statement defines a custom resource for an application. A custom resource can be any data in any format. The RESOURCE statement copies the custom resource from the specified file or inline data, and adds it to the application's other resources. A custom resource can be loaded from the executable file when needed by using the DosGetResource or DosGetResource2 function and specifying the resource's type and resource identifier.
The custom resource data can be defined in a separate file or as inline data in the input script. This is reflected in the two formats that can be used for this statement. The first format is used when the custom resource data is being read from a file. The second format is used when the data consists of a block of raw source data that is defined inline in the input script.
You can provide any number of RESOURCE statements in a resource script file, but each statement must specify a unique combination of type-id and resource-id values. That is, RESOURCE statements having the same type-id value are permitted as long as the resource-id value for each is unique.
Note: The Resouce Compiler does not append a null character to the end of these strings as it does for RCDATA blocks; any required null characters must be written as \0 within the data string.
This example defines a custom resource whose type identifier is 300 and whose resource identifier is 14. The custom resource is copied from the file CUSTOM.RES.
RESOURCE 300 14 custom.res