
  ACCELTABLE acceltable-id [mem-option] [code-page]
  key-value, command[, accelerator-options]...


The ACCELTABLE statement creates a table of accelerators for an application. An accelerator is a keystroke that gives the user a quick way to choose a command from a menu or carry out some other task. An accelerator table can be loaded when needed from the executable file by using the WinLoadAccelTable function.

You can provide any number of ACCELTABLE statements in a resource script file. Each statement must specify a unique table identifier. You can provide any number of accelerator definitions in an accelerator table; however, no two definitions in a table can specify the same key.

Each accelerator definition must specify a key value and command. The WinSetAccelTable function used in the application translates the accelerator keystroke into a WM_COMMAND, WM_HELP, or WM_SYSCOMMAND message that has the corresponding command value. The message type depends on the accelerator-option field.