CD-XA Device

CD-XA Disc Formats

The CD-XA media driver provides access to devices that support CD-ROM/XA discs. CD-XA (Compact Disc-Extended Architecture) refers to a storage format that accommodates interleaved storage of audio, video and standard file system data. CD-XA data is stored in a file system format on the discs, and playback control is managed by the CD-XA media device in cooperation with the amplifier-mixer device.

CD-XA takes advantage of a special ADPCM audio compression mechanism that not only yields a low data rate but also enables more audio data to be stored on a disc than that allowed by a CD-DA disc. ADPCM (Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulation) is an audio compression technique that allows up to a 16 to 1 compression of audio data.

By compressing the audio data (in some cases to 1/16 the size of CD-DA data) it now becomes possible to record multiple audio tracks on a single disc. With CD-XA level C, recorded in stereo, it is possible to interleave 8 different audio tracks on a single disc. With CD-XA level C, recorded in mono, this number climbs to 16 different tracks on a single disc.

The following table summarizes the different compression levels available with CD-XA and compares them to CD-DA.

│Type      │Audio      │Video     │File │Data Rate │One Sec of     │Spec      │
│          │           │          │Sys  │per Sec   │Audio Data     │          │
│CD-DA     │16-bit PCM │No        │No   │172KB     │Stereo: 172KB  │Red Book  │
│          │at 44.1 kHz│          │     │          │               │          │
│CD-DA+G   │16-bit PCM │288 x 192 │No   │172KB     │Stereo: 172KB  │Red Book  │
│          │at 44.1 kHz│CLUT4     │     │          │               │          │
│CD-ROM    │No         │No        │Yes  │150KB     │N/A            │High      │
│          │           │          │     │          │               │Sierra,   │
│          │           │          │     │          │               │ISO 9660, │
│          │           │          │     │          │               │Yellow    │
│          │           │          │     │          │               │Book      │
│CD-XA     │4-bit ADPCM│320 x 200 │Yes  │150KB     │Mono: 18.75KB  │Green Book│
│Level B   │at 37.8 kHz│640 x 480 │     │          │Stereo: 37.5KB │          │
│          │           │CLUT1,    │     │          │               │          │
│          │           │4 or 8    │     │          │               │          │
│CD-XA     │4-bit ADPCM│320 x 200 │Yes  │150KB     │Mono: 9.4KB    │Green Book│
│Level C   │at 18.9 kHz│640 x 480 │     │          │Stereo: 18.75KB│          │
│          │           │CLUT1,    │     │          │               │          │
│          │           │4 or 8    │     │          │               │          │

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