Training and Desktop Configuration

An important point to note here is that training for the WPS depends on what objects are put onto their desktop; the greater the variety of objects, the more the user has to know. Approaches to configuring the desktop are discussed in Utilities for the Workplace Shell.

Restricting the range of objects to devices, such as printers and shredders, folders and data files is probably the best approach; it is very consistent and requires the user to learn the least number of techniques. This is described in User Requirements.

Users with previous experience of using DOS or OS/2 will wish to continue to use programs since that is how they already know how to work with a computer. While the WPS is more logical, consistent and simpler than its "program menu" predecessors, it is often difficult for some users to adjust to its new style of interaction. Under these circumstances, modifying the shell to look more like the PM shell in OS/2 Version 1.3 might be a better approach. Giving OS/2 V2.0 the Look and Feel of OS/2 Version 1.3 provides more information on this topic.

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