
An icon is a small graphical image on the screen, used as a visual representation of an object such as an application or a window. While the use of icons is not restricted to object-oriented applications, the implementation of an icon-based user interface, where icons representing objects are directly manipulated on the screen by the user to achieve a desired result, is the essence of the object-oriented workplace environment implemented by the Workplace Shell under OS/2 Version 2.0. For more information see Installing and Supporting the Workplace Shell and Workplace Shell Implementation.

Icons are designed using the Icon Editor program supplied with OS/2 Version 2.0. This utility offers the interactive design of icons, pointers and bitmaps by the user. The resulting objects are saved in files for subsequent use by applications.

The implementation of an icon depends on the associated application. There are three different possibilities:

  • For a full-screen protected-mode application (that is, those which do not utilize Presentation Manager facilities) or for an application which executes in a text window under Presentation Manager, an icon can be provided for use with the application. It must be in the same directory and with the same file name as the application executable module. For example, the icon for the application MBOOGLE.EXE would have the name MBOOGLE.ICO. When loading the application, the Presentation Manager automatically checks the directory for a corresponding icon file. If it exists, it will use it to represent the application. Otherwise a default icon will be used.

  • For Presentation Manager applications, icons are generally incorporated into the executable modules when the applications are created. See OS/2 Version 2.0 - Volume 4: Application Development for further information on creating icons and including them in Presentation Manager applications.

  • If there is no default icon available for the application, the user can associate an icon by using the "General" page in the Settings notebook. This dialog box allows the user to create a new one or to search for another available icon with the find command.

    Data files generally have a default icon, but this can be changed in the same way as for an application.

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