
First step:

  • Start Clipboard Viewer.

  • Create a VDM windowed session.

  • Put some text in the VDM, for example, use the DIR /W command.

  • Switch to the Presentation Manager screen group and click on the VDM's icon.

  • Select "Copy all" to copy the screen contents to the clipboard.

  • Check the Clipboard Viewer window which now should contain the copied text.

  • Check if you can paste the content of the clipboard into the PM sample application PM Chart.

    Second step:

  • Start a VDM windowed session.

  • In the session, execute the "GRAPHIC.EXE" program.

  • Click on the system icon and select "Mark"

  • Select an area within the window with the mouse pointer.

  • Click on the system icon and select "Copy"

  • Check the Clipboard Viewer, which now should contain the copied data.

  • Check if you can paste the content of the clipboard into the PM sample application PM Chart.

    Third step:

  • Start the famous EDLIN editor in a VDM windowed session by entering EDLIN at the DOS command prompt.

  • Enter "i1" to put EDLIN into a mode where you can enter text.

  • Select "Paste" from the system or icon pull-down menu. The text is copied from the clipboard character-by-character into the input area of the editor.

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