Expected Results

After successfully completing the exercise, check the result by double-clicking on "My Window" in the folder Test. A VDM should start with a DOS command prompt, which should look like the following example, if you have a PROMPT statement included in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file like the one shown on Requirements section of this lab.

.[37;40m[DOS] C:\>

If the DOS prompt looks like this, the ANSI.SYS is not active. In this case, you did well. Otherwise, try once more, because the ANSI.SYS driver is still active.

Now start the program QCONFIG.EXE using the following syntax:


from within the DOS command prompt. Don't worry about the appearance of the current command prompt. The output of QCONFIG.EXE should look like this:
Operating System: OS/2 Standard Edition Version 2.00 CSD Level
Date & Time     : 01/14/1992  17:20
Product Number  : 8573-121
Model ID        : F8            Sub-Model ID    : 0B
BIOS Revision   : 00            BIOS Date       : 01/18/89
Machine Type    : IBM PS/2 Model P70
Processor       : Intel 80386         Processor Speed : 20 Mhz
Estimated Speed : 17.6 Mhz
CoProcessor     : None
Bus Type        : Micro Channel 32-Bit Bus
Keyboard Type   : Enhanced
Mouse Type      : PS/2 Mouse
Equipment       : 1 Parallel Port(s)
                : 1 Serial Port(s)
                : 1 Diskette Drive(s)
                : 1 Fixed Disk(s)
                : Pointing Device
Primary Video   : VGA
Diskette Drive 1: 3.50"  - 1.44M - 80 Track - Type 4
Fixed Disk 1    :  115 MB  =  117760 KB  =  120586240 bytes
Local -  Drive C:  Size   5096K =    4.9M    Avail   2636K =    2.5M
Local -  Drive D:  Size  23472K =   22.9M    Avail   6126K =    5.9M
Local -  Drive E:  Size  45956K =   44.8M    Avail  16986K =   16.5M
Local -  Drive F:  Size   8152K =    7.9M    Avail   7636K =    7.4M
Total Memory    :  8064 KB = 7.8 MB
Conventional    :   513 KB      Unallocated     :   476 KB
Extended Memory :  7424 KB      Unallocated     :     0 KB
Expanded Memory :  1280 KB      Unallocated     :  1024 KB
Total Slots     : 3      System (DISK)   : 1      User Slots      : 2
Expansion Slot 1:  * No Adapter Present
Expansion Slot 2: ID E1FF - IBM 3270 Connection Version B
Expansion Slot 3: ID DF9F - IBM Integrated Fixed Disk Controller
--- QCONFIG Ver 1.47 (Jan  3 1992)  by Jeff Muir  IBM Copyright 1991 (c)---


  • If a base memory size of 512KB, and an expanded (EMS) memory size of 1024KB is reported, then you've done well.

  • Next, check the environment size with the ENVIRON.EXE and QENV.BAT files. Execute QENV.BAT shown in Figure "QENV.BAT Batch File" and the following will occur: