Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.3

In order to configure EMS support for the virtual DOS machine, we must ensure that a contiguous 64KB block of RAM is available in the address range 640KB to 1MB to be used as the EMS Page Frame (Refer to Memory Extender Support). Do the following:

  • Boot the system with the reference diskette and in Set Configuration take a look at the memory map.

  • Print or make a note of the memory addresses of the different hardware device drivers. For example, 3270 Connection may have an address of 0D6000H (D6000 hexadecimal).

    If a 64KB contiguous block cannot be found the DOS Settings for the virtual DOS machine will have to be used to make a block available.

  • Reboot under OS/2 V2.0.

  • Open the Templates folder and drag a Program icon to the desktop.

    The Settings notebook should open.

  • Enter the following in the Path and file name field (change the path according to your installation):

  • The Working Directory should be the same as the path in the Path and file name field.

  • Select the Session tab.

  • Set session type as DOS Full Screen (Window will work, but slower)

  • Open DOS Settings.


    11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

    The Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.3 icon should now be available for use.

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