
The following general restrictions apply to this environment:

  • Only the Basic DOS (Not Extended DOS) version of DOS PC Support/400 is supported.

  • Only V2R1 or greater versions of DOS PC Support/400 are supported.

  • Only a single DOS PC Support/400 virtual DOS machine(VDM) is supported.

  • If OS/2 Version 2.0 Extended Services is used, the OS/2 version of PC Support must be run instead of the Basic DOS version, as the device drivers used by DOS PC Support/400 requires exclusive control of any adapter used for DOS communications.

  • When a Virtual Machine Boot session is started from a diskette image file, the "A:" drive within the VDM will refer to the diskette image file. If you would like to access the physical drive "A:", OS/2 V2.0 supplies a program called FSACCESS.EXE to do this. See the online command reference for more information.

  • The default hot-key of Alt-ESC is reserved for OS/2 V2.0 and must be changed in order to have hot-key support. This can be done by using the Configure WorkStation Function (CFGWSF.EXE) program to create/change a keyboard profile.

  • For LAN connections, only the LAN Support Program Version 1.22 or later is supported.

  • If you decide to close the DOS PC Support/400 Virtual Machine Boot session while the LAN router is active, you must wait two minutes before starting up the VDM again. This time will allow the card to reset itself on the LAN. The DOS PC Support/400 VDM will appear to hang if it is restarted too soon.

  • For an SDLC router, if you decide to close the Virtual Machine Boot session while the router is active, you must stop the router or power off the modem first. Failing to do so could cause a system trap to occur.


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