A Couple of Warnings and Suggestions

  • If you have an XGA or 8514/A display adapter, be sure that you had selected VGA mode for WIN-OS/2 during OS/2 installation. This is mandatory for PC/3270 for Windows to run in a "seamless" WIN-OS/2 VDM.

  • Remember that the adapter is in use EXCLUSIVELY by PC/3270. This is true for all of the adapters (DFT, SDLC, LAN).

  • If you included the RESETOKN.SYS mentioned earlier then you can shutdown and restart PC/3270 Token-Ring connections. This package also comes with a RESETOKN.EXE file that can be used to close the adapter so other applications can use it, if desired. You would have to invoke this after shutting down PC/3270 or it will become very upset!

  • If you get message PCS232 - PCS802.SYS Module not found, you probably set up the DOS_DEVICE statements incorrectly, or forgot to install the LSP code.

  • If you get message PCS234 - The Current Configuration File Does Not Include Valid TSR Information; when you click on the CM/3370 Manager Start Communication Icon, then you either forgot to update the DOS_SHELL option, or have a bad PC3270WO.BAT. The problem is that the PC3270W.BAT does exist, but was not executed (loads the TSRs).

  • If you get message PCS212 - PC/3270 is installed incorrectly, you probably installed PC/3270 under Windows 3.0 running in enhanced mode. You will need to reinstall PC/3270.

  • If you open the new PC/3270 object and it closes after a few seconds, then you probably have the DOS_SHELL or the PC3270 Batch file PC3270WO.BAT set up incorrectly.

  • If you open the PC/3270 object a second time, and it just sits there or hangs the machine, you might not have set Separate Session set on or you did not include the RESETOKN.SYS driver.

  • Sometimes OS/2 does not know when a Windows application closes. Therefore when you do a shutdown, the desktop thinks that the application is still running. When you start OS/2 the next time, it will automatically start the application again.

    There is a way around this:

    A side effect is that all Windows Applications that OS/2 thinks are still open will be officially closed. The applications will no longer have hash marks over their icons. You can now Shutdown gracefully.

    You can circumvent this effect by running Personal Communications/3270 for Windows a separate WIN-OS/2 session.

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