Communications Manager Mouse Support (CMMOUSE)

IBM CM Mouse Support (product 5799-PNJ, RPQ P85221) provides advanced mouse support for Personal Communications/3270 in the Windows environment. CM Mouse must be started in the same VDM (Virtual DOS Machine) as PC/3270. To achieve this, the batch files used to start Windows and PC/3270 must be modified as described in the following sections.

When PC/3270 is modified as described below, CM Mouse will automatically be started when you start PC/3270. CM Mouse may display a "waiting for PC/3270 to start..." message since both CM Mouse and PC/3270 will begin running at the same time. After PC/3270 starts and the host sessions are established, CM Mouse will automatically continue its initialization (the message "reading BDF files..." will be displayed). It is suggested that you enable the automatic startup feature of PC/3270 so that the host sessions are established automatically.

Installing CM Mouse

Install CM Mouse from any OS/2 or DOS command line as described in the CM Mouse documentation. Note that you must have installed CSD 4002 or later for PC/3270.

The following sections assume that you have installed CM Mouse in the default C:\CMMOUSE directory. If you install CM Mouse in some other directory, change the directory names as necessary.

Modifying the PC/3270 OS/2 V2.0 Batch File

The batch file created above should be modified as follows (the file is C:\PC3270W\PC3270WO.BAT). The changes from above are shown with this emphasis below:

    PC3270W.BAT C:\PC3270W\PCS3270.EXE

Modifying the PC/3270 Execution Batch File

Depending on the configuration of your system, there may or may not be a PC/3270 execution batch file on your system. If there is, it is named C:\PC3270W\PC3270WX.BAT. If this file does not exist on your system then skip this section.

Modify the line of this batch file which runs the WIN-OS/2 program (the modification is shown with this emphasis):

    C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\WIN C:\CMMOUSE\CMMOUSE.EXE,%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Note that there must be no blank spaces on either side of the comma character. There may be other commands in this file; do not modify them.

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