The AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS that will be used by the VMB at initialization are not the ones found in the root directory of the OS/2 V2.0 boot drive. Table "Location of AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS" explains which AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS will be used for the different DOS session types under OS/2 V2.0.

CONFIG.SYS requires special attention for the following reasons:

  • Write access to the hard disk is denied the Virtual Machine Boot session to preserve system integrity, since the real DOS is unaware of OS/2 V2.0 and the other applications running.

    The OS/2 device driver FSFILTER.SYS is provided to address the above problem.

  • HPFS partitions are not visible to the real DOS running.

    FSFILTER.SYS allows the DOS in the Virtual Machine Boot to access HPFS files.

  • OS/2 V2.0 provides its own mouse, EMS and XMS to each virtual DOS machine, so there is no need to load the equivalent drivers available for native DOS. Those provided with the real DOS should not be used.

    However, some DOS programs test for the presence of these drivers. OS/2 V2.0 provides the equivalent "stub" drivers to satisfy these programs that the services actually are available.

    The following types of device drivers should also be omitted from CONFIG.SYS: