The following settings determine the way in which the operating system detects that an application in a VDM is currently idle. These settings should be used when an application exhibits poor performance, or where mouse movement in a DOS application is "jerky".
Also see IDLE_SENSITIVITY below for more details on idle detection.
DOS programs often "poll" for input when they are waiting for a user response. For instance, a program may wait for a response by repeatedly checking to see if the user has hit a key. In a multitasking environment such as OS/2 Version 2.0, this wastes time when other programs could be running instead. The operating system detects idle programs by looking for a high rate of polling for input. When programs are judged to be waiting for input, they are given less time to run.
For example, if idle sensitivity is set to 75%, then an application repeatedly checking to see if input is available would have to do this checking at more than 75% of the maximum possible rate before it would be judged idle.
Idle detection is a "best guess" of what the program is doing. It could be that the program is polling at a very high rate, but is still doing useful work in between checking. It may be that the application checks at a fairly slow rate but still is doing nothing but waiting. The idle sensitivity threshold allows adjustment of the threshold for a particular application.
Also see IDLE_SECONDS above.
If an application is waiting for input and other applications do not appear to be running, the idle sensitivity should be adjusted downward. This lowers the threshold for judging the application idle.