Creating a Representative Object

To define a DOS application as an object under the Workplace Shell, do the following:

  • Open the Templates folder on the desktop, and copy the Program object by pointing to it with the mouse pointer, holding down mouse button 2 and dragging the icon to the desktop or to the folder in which the DOS application will reside.

  • The settings view for the new object will automatically open. On the Program page of the settings notebook, complete the Program title and Path and file name fields for the application. The Parameters and Working directory fields are optional, and depend on the application being installed. Users should check the documentation supplied with the DOS application.

    Figure "The Program Page of the Settings Notebook"

  • On the Session page, select either DOS Window or DOS Full Screen, depending on how the DOS application will be run. In most cases, it is sufficient to select DOS Window since when maximized, the window will allow the full 25 rows by 80 columns to be displayed.

    Another advantage of selecting DOS Window is that the user can use the copy and paste functions of the VDM to selectively transfer data between the DOS application, the clipboard, and any other application on the desktop that supports the clipboard. However, some graphics applications suffer performance degradation when run in windowed mode. For such applications, DOS Full Screen should be selected.

    Note that once the VDM is started, a user can switch between DOS Window and DOS Full Screen modes by holding down the Alt key and pressing the Home key.

    Do not confuse running a DOS application full screen with running it in a full screen window (a maximized window that fills the entire screen). There can be a significant performance difference between the two.

    Note that clipboard function Copy All is also available for full screen virtual DOS machines. This allows the user to copy the entire DOS full screen to the clipboard (there is no way to mark only a portion of the screen). To perform this function, the user must press Ctrl+Esc to return to the desktop, click on the application icon with mouse button 2, and select Copy All.

  • On the General page, complete the Title field. The user can optionally choose to display a different icon from the default DOS Window or DOS Full Screen icons.

    Figure "The Session Page of the Settings Notebook"

  • If you select the DOS settings push button, the system brings up another dialog. In this dialog, you can setup all DOS/VDM relevant characteristics, unique to this particular program object.

    Figure "The DOS Settings Dialog of the Settings Notebook"

    When the settings notebook is closed, the application will appear on the desktop or in the folder, with the specified application name beneath its icon.

    [Back: Defining a DOS Application]
    [Next: Adding TSRs to the Workplace Shell]