DPMI Services

DPMI services are requested using INT 31h requests, which are trapped by the DPMI virtual device driver, and either serviced by the VDD itself or routed to the operating system kernel.

The DPMI API Layer performs input parameter checking on all service requests, to validate requests and to enforce restrictions mandated by the DPMI specification.

LDT Descriptor Management

The 8086 Emulation component of MVDM arranges for allocation of a task's LDT upon initialization of the VDM. Under DPMI 0.9, all tasks in a VDM share the same LDT. Applications may modify descriptors only through DPMI service calls.

Three types of descriptors must be kept track of:

  • Per-task DPMI descriptors that the client may modify
  • V86 segment to selector mappings with descriptors that cannot be modified
  • Per-task DOS descriptors that the client cannot modify.

    Memory used by a DPMI application is allocated by the OS/2 Version 2.0 operating system to the parent process of the VDM within which that application executes. Full memory protection is therefore provided for applications using DPMI services.

    DOS Memory Management

    DOS memory management services are implemented under OS/2 Version 2.0 in various ways, according to the nature of the service.

  • Allocate DOS memory and selector set

    This service allocates DOS memory along with a set of descriptors to cover the allocation. For 32-bit clients, a single descriptor is set to cover the entire allocated region. For 16-bit clients, this descriptor is followed by descriptors to cover the rest of the region in 64KB segments. This allows 16-bit applications to refer either through a single large segment or through tiled selectors.

    A V86 mode DOS call is used to allocate memory from the DOS arena. Therefore, after initial setup, the DPMI API Layer switches back into V86 mode to issue the DOS call, and then traps the return from DOS in order to finish the service.

  • Free DOS memory and selector set

    The allocated list is searched to make sure the region being freed is allocated. The allocation record is moved to the pending list with the request marked as free. A switch is then made to V86 mode and the INT 21h is simulated as above with the return trapped. When the return is trapped, return values are set up. If the call succeeded, the selectors that were allocated are freed. If a selector other than the allocated selector was passed in the free call, that selector set is freed as well.

  • Resize DOS memory and selector set

    Resizing is done in the same way as the original allocation. The allocation record is moved to the pending list. The desired size is listed in the allocation record and new selectors are allocated if the size increases and new selectors are needed. Descriptors are allocated before reflection so the call can fail before allocating DOS memory in V86 mode if they are not available. The DOS call is then done as above.

    If the call failed, the new selectors are freed when the hook regains control. If it succeeded, new descriptors are set up if they were needed or descriptors are freed if the resize made some unnecessary. The return values for the client are set up and the allocation record is returned to the allocated list with its new size noted.

    Extended Memory Management

    Extended memory management services are also implemented in a number of ways, depending on the service.

  • Get memory information

    This service uses memory management calls to load an application buffer with a variety of information about the memory. A VDH service is used to copy the data to user space, with appropriate exception handling.

  • Allocate

    Memory is allocated using a memory management service. Record of the allocation noting the start address, allocated size, and sparse linear address size are kept in a hash table. The allocation records are kept in the DPMI API Layer per DPMI task area so that they can be cleaned up when the task terminates.

  • Free

    This function is implemented quite simply; the DPMI API Layer per-task data area is checked for the allocation records, and the corresponding memory is freed via a call to the operating system kernel.

  • Resize

    DPMI changes a memory object's size in one of two ways:

    Page Locking

    Page locking services are necessary on systems which deliver interrupts at interrupt time or which use DOS for paging. On a system that simulates interrupts and has its own file system (such as OS/2 Version 2.0) the calls are no-ops. They will simply return a success indication to the client.

    Interrupt Hooking

    8086 Emulation maintains a table of the current handler for each protect mode hook and exception. These services are implemented by calling 8086 Emulation to get the current value from this table or to set a new value in the table.

    8086 Emulation offers a service to change the client's virtual interrupt state (the IF flag).

    Translation (Protect/V86 Control Transfer)

    These services provide cross-mode calls, state saving, and raw mode switching.

  • Real mode callback (call protected mode from real mode)

    This service allocates a real mode callback breakpoint. When this breakpoint is called, the DPMI API Layer handler arranges a protect mode call.

  • Free real mode callback

    If a real mode callback is still waiting to be completed, the callback record is marked to indicate it is no longer active. Freeing the callback record and the breakpoint are done when no outstanding calls are in progress.

  • State save/restore for each mode

    This service returns a set of addresses, one for V86 mode and one for protect mode, which, if called by the client, save or restore the current register state for the other mode. This is necessary for applications which perform raw mode switching, to keep them from overwriting the task state for the alternate mode.

  • Raw mode switching

    This service returns a set of addresses, one for V86 mode and one for protect mode, which, if called by the client, switch to the other mode. The breakpoints have the DPMI task identifier in the breakpoint data area. When the breakpoint is reached, if the ID is different from the current one, 8086 Emulation is called to report the switch. A VDH service is then used to do the requested mode switch.

    Under OS/2 Version 2.0, an extension to the DPMI specification has been implemented, and is known as DOS API services. Protected mode applications issuing DOS or BIOS calls must pass buffers that can be accessed in V86 mode. The DOS API services relieve the application from having to do this work for DOS calls and some BIOS calls. This permits protected mode applications to use protect mode buffers (referenced by protected mode selectors) in DOS service requests. The translation services perform any necessary buffer copying.

    Applications detect the presence of a DOS API translator by performing an INT 2Fh multiplex passing the name "MS-DOS" as an argument. The translator responds when it detects this name, indicating that translation will be performed. Applications that do not require translation may simply use the INT 31h simulate interrupt function to avoid translation.

    Debug Registers

    The Task Management component of OS/2 Version 2.0 manages watchpoints for OS/2 applications, the kernel debugger and VDMs. Interfaces for allocating, setting and freeing watchpoints and getting the Bx bits for allocated watchpoints are used by the DPMI API Layer to carry out these services. The DPMI API Layer keeps track of allocated watchpoints in the per DPMI task area so that it can clean up at termination and uses the tasking watchpoint services to manipulate watchpoints.

    Other DPMI Services

    A number of other services are provided under the DPMI specification. Their implementation under OS/2 Version 2.0 is described below.

  • Physical Address Mapping

    In OS/2 Version 2.0, there is no way of knowing which addresses are used by device drivers. It is therefore not safe to allow direct access to devices which do not have VDDs. However, direct access from within VDMs is allowed.

    VDH services for reserving linear space, mapping, and page fault handling are all restricted to regions below 1MB+64KB. As such, a VDD with a linear address above 1 MB cannot virtualize hardware. All requests to this service will fail. The DPMI specification allows this so the operating system can protect devices.

  • Get Vendor Specific Entry Point

    Vendors that add extensions to DPMI typically look for the name of their extension by hooking INT 31h. If the extension is requested by a DPMI client, the vendor-supplied routine issues an IRET instruction without jumping down the INT 31h protect mode chain. If the request is for a DPMI service not supplied by the vendor's routine , the routine continues down the INT 31h chain. Since the DPMI API Layer router is called at the end of the chain, any unrecognized service requests are signalled to the client by setting the carry flag to indicate that the call failed.

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