Installing ATM for WIN-OS/2

ATM for WIN-OS/2 is automatically installed when you install the OS/2 base code. However, the 13 "IBM Core Fonts" that are automatically installed for you in OS/2 PM are not installed under WIN-OS/2. In fact ATM for WIN-OS/2 is itself not active until you install at least one font. This is why you will see an "X" over the ATM icon when you start the WIN-OS/2 Full-Screen command prompt if you have not installed any fonts. Included on the device drivers diskettes are the necessary font files to install these "IBM Core Fonts" for WIN-OS/2. They are currently located on device driver diskette #5.

As mentioned previously, it is a good idea to have the WIN-OS/2 ATM icon on your OS2 PM desktop if you manage fonts frequently. There are two ways to do this:

  • You can use the Migrate Applications program in the System Setup folder. However, this action will place the icon in a folder called "Additional Windows Programs". You will then have to open that folder and drag-and-drop the ATM Control Panel icon onto your desktop.

  • You can also open the Templates folder and drag-and-drop the Program icon on your desktop and type in the prompts. ATM for WIN-OS/2 is located in \OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\ATMCNTRL.EXE. Use \OS2\MDOS\WINOS2 as your working directory. Under Session select WIN-OS/2 window if available, otherwise select WIN-OS/2 full screen.

    Under certain conditions ATM may become disabled or you may want to remove it for performance reasons if you only use standard fonts. In either case ATM for WIN-OS/2 is activated based on entries in the SYSTEM.INI file located in the path \OS2\MDOS\WINOS2. If installed correctly you will see the following statements:

  • system.drv=atmsys.drv

  • atm.system.drv=system.drv

    To disable ATM:

  • Delete the atm.system.drv=system.drv statement

  • Change system.drv=atmsysdrv to system.drv=system.drv.

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