Defining a Multiple Application VDM (MAVDM)

When defining a MAVDM, the user specifies WINOS2.COM for the Path and Filename field in the Program page of the Settings notebook. As explained above, the Workplace Shell detects that the application is a Windows application and sets the Program Type field in the Session page to Windows Full Screen.

The user may also define one or more Windows applications which will be activated when the VDM is started. This is achieved as follows:

  • The applications to be started are specified in the Parameters field of the Program dialog. Full path name and parameters should be specified.

    The syntax for the parameters field is:

        /R|/S [{][!|^]App1 App-parms [,] [!|^]App2 App-parms
       If neither the exclamation mark nor the caret is specified, the Windows application will start "normalized", approximately one third of the screen size.

    Changes are effective immediately and are saved when the Settings notebook is closed or when the system is shut down. The Default button resets all settings to their previous values. 2.

    The icon will be the Windows full-screen icon defined by WINOS2.COM. Individual icons for applications running in the MAVDM are not displayed on the Workplace Shell desktop.

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    [Next: Defining a "Seamless" WIN-OS/2 VDM]