Migrating Programs

OS/2 V2.0 provides a migration database (DATABASE.DAT) that contains parameters and settings for commonly used DOS, Windows and OS/2 programs. This binary database file is used by the Migrate Applications program to place the program icons onto the desktop and customize their Settings notebooks to the recommended values.

Figure "The Migrate Applications Windows"

To use the Migrate Applications program, follow these steps:

  • Locate and select the OS/2 System icon on the desktop.

  • Select System Setup.

  • Select Migrate Applications.

    The Find Programs window appears. The Database Used for Find Option field displays the default database (\OS2\INSTALL\DATABASE.DAT). The Migrate Applications program compares programs on the hard disk with the list of programs in the database and places any that match in a DOS, OS/2, or Windows programs folder on the desktop.

  • From the Drives list, deselect the drives which should not be searched. The default is to search all drives.

  • Deselect the types of programs that should not be migrated in the Migrate type check boxes. The default is to migrate all the listed programs.

  • Select Find.... The Migrate Programs window appears. Programs are listed in the Applications list box.

  • If your program is not on the list: