EMS Object Mapping

Mappable windows are located by asking the Virtual DOS Machine Manager to provide free linear regions after other virtual device drivers have claimed the address ranges required for their hardware. The base window (region from 256KB to RMSIZE) is mapped to an expanded object at VDM creation time. This window is used as normal memory by DOS or DOS applications, but can also be remapped by applications that wish to do so.

Some applications assume mappable regions begin on 17KB boundaries, although this is not part of the EMS specification. OS/2 Version 2.0 follows this undocumented convention.

There are multiple techniques for saving and restoring mappings in LIM. Save tables and copies of parts of register sets copied to application memory can be used to save and restore mappings. All contain a pairing of physical segment and <handle, logical page> pairs. Saving of mappings is done by segment, handle, and logical page entries to the buffer in which the save is performed. For saves that save the entire mapping, the register index need not be stored. Mappings are restored by making a set of aliasing calls to the memory manager, and copying the new mapping into the active register set.

Illegal mappings are mapped to black hole pages. A black hole page is a page that does not cause faults, but which need not store values written to it. Black hole pages can be implemented as invalid addresses that float on the bus, ROM pages if there is no ROM caching, a wasted physical memory page, or a discardable page.

Structures returned to the client will use physical pages rather than segments since these are smaller for the client to store and are simpler to check for validity when restored. All save structures held by the V86 client use a checksum to detect tampering by the V86 client.

LIM allows an application to reallocate the special handle that contains conventional memory, thus allowing the expanded memory to be reused. This is supposed to be done only by an operating system program that knows the special handle is handle 0, but may conceivably be done by any application. Note that applications can deallocate the DOS memory area. If they do this and fail to restore it, COMMAND.COM is unable to reload and the VDM will terminate. This behavior is identical to a native DOS environment.

Register Sets

Application requests to map pages into a register set are handled by storing the new mappings in the register set data structure. A call is made to the memory manager to alias pages or set them to a black hole for unmapped pages.

The current register set is changed to a new register set by aliasing linear memory through memory manager calls according to the new registers and changing the current register set variable. Other calls allow saving and restoring register sets from an application-supplied array similar to Save/Restore above.

Allocating/Deallocating Objects

Upon receiving an application request to allocate, reallocate, or deallocate an EMS object, VEMM transforms the request into corresponding calls to the OS/2 Version 2.0 memory manager. Each EMS object is allocated as a separate memory object in a linear address range in the VDM's process address space, but outside the V86 mode address space. The memory manager returns the start address and size of each EMS object to VEMM, which then updates its EMS handle table accordingly.

Allocations are made by selecting a free EMS object handle; a free handle has a start address of zero. VEMM then requests the memory manager to allocate the required memory, and records the start address and size of the object as returned by the memory manager. The total allocation size for each VDM and the total allocations across all VDMs are maintained so that the maximum allocation size is not exceeded. If an allocation is of size zero, no actual allocation is made and a non-zero address and zero size are recorded in the handle entry.

When a deallocation request is made, the address in the handle is changed to 0 and the memory manager is called to free the allocation. Reallocation requests are serviced by passing on the request to a VDH service and recording the new size and start address. Since reallocations may lead to object movement, pages mapped from the object are unmapped before reallocation and remapped afterward.

When an application reallocates to zero, VEMM has the memory manager deallocate the memory object, and changes the handle table entry so it has zero pages with a meaningless non-zero address to indicate the handle is still in use. Objects of size zero are allowed in VEMM, but not in OS/2, so VEMM will free the memory but retain its own data for the object handle. When a non-zero reallocation is performed on the object, a new object is transparently allocated.

LIM allows an application to deallocate memory that is mapped into the current register set, alternate register sets, or save maps (all internal structures that save mappings). EMS is silent about what should happen if an application touches this mapped memory after deallocation. Since 8086 applications are generally allowed to search through the address space without harm, these deallocated pages should be remapped to a black hole.

Searching through all 255 SaveMaps and 15 non-current register sets is expensive even with optimizations. Exhaustive search slows deallocations and shrinking reallocations, and keeping track of the locations of mappings slows mapping operations. Therefore, upon deallocation or shrinking reallocation, only the current register set is checked for deallocated pages. Stored registers (255 SaveMaps and 15 RegSets for the VDM) will not be checked until they are reactivated. When an invalid page is found during remapping, it is simply remapped to the black hole.

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