Loading Virtual Device Drivers

Virtual device drivers are loaded into memory when the initialization phase of the physical device drivers has completed. Upon loading, the virtual device driver verifies the communication path to the corresponding physical device driver, and registers hooks with the Virtual DOS Machine Manager for VDM events such as creation, destruction, and foreground/background switching.

Upon creation of a VDM, the virtual device driver is notified by the Virtual DOS Machine Manager, and the creation routine of the virtual device driver is invoked. This causes a stub device driver to be loaded into the VDM's V86 mode address space. This stub driver accepts device requests from DOS applications within the VDM, and routes them to the virtual device driver outside the V86 mode address space.

This is typically achieved by having the stub device driver issue an instruction which causes a general protection exception. This exception is passed to the operating system's general protection exception handler, which in turn passes it to the Virtual DOS Machine Manager, and finally to the appropriate virtual device driver. The virtual device driver then communicates with the corresponding physical device driver in order to access the hardware device.

When a hardware interrupt occurs, the physical device driver is notified and communicates the event to the virtual device driver, which then takes the appropriate action to inform the DOS application. This occurs even if the VDM is not currently executing in the foreground, since the virtual device driver can access its instance data directly.

Note that certain virtual device drivers do not have a corresponding physical device driver. For example, the VEMM.SYS virtual device driver is used to provide support for the LIM Expanded Memory Specification Version 4.0; this virtual device driver communicates directly with the operating system's memory manager to allocate and manipulate expanded memory objects.

Virtual device drivers communicate with the OS/2 Version 2.0 kernel using virtual device helper (VDH) services. The use of these services is required because virtual device drivers execute at privilege level 0, and are thus prevented from issuing normal privilege level 3 function calls to the operating system kernel. VDH services are also used to communicate with physical device drivers, and for communication between virtual device drivers.

Note that there is no fixed communication protocol between a virtual device driver and a physical device driver. The programmer may use any protocol that suits the needs of the driver. A shutdown protocol is recommended in case the virtual device driver has to be shut down.

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