Virtual DOS Machine Manager (VDMM)

OS/2 Version 2.0 enables the user to start multiple DOS applications in multiple concurrent VDMs, all of which are controlled by the Virtual DOS Machine Manager (VDMM).

Figure "MVDM Protected Mode processes"

The VDMM creates a VDM by:

  • Allocating and mapping the required memory

  • Loading and initializing the virtual device drivers required to virtualize the hardware and ROM BIOS

  • Access to the virtual device helper services and system resources, such as memory, semaphores, timers, and files, is provided by the VDMM for all VDMs.

    Figure "VDM Exception Handling"

    The VDMM is responsible for handling those 8086 instructions which cannot be executed in V86 mode, such as interrupts. Such instructions cause an exception to be generated by the 80386 processor; this exception is passed to an exception handler within the operating system, which checks the VM bit in the current process's EFLAGs control area. If the VM bit is set, control is passed to the VDMM. The VDMM therefore runs as a protected mode system level process at privilege level 0.

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