Type of Expanded Memory

 │ Types of Expanded Memory.  Memory types utilized by VDMs.    │
 │ ATTRIBUTE                           │ HMA  │ EMB  │ UMB      │
 │ Is extended memory                  │ X    │ X    │          │
 │ Accessible from real mode           │ X    │      │ X        │
 │ Data may be stored                  │ X    │ X    │ X        │
 │ Code may be executed from real mode │ X    │      │ X        │
 │ Interrupt handler may be stored     │      │      │ X        │
 │ Size may be changed after initial   │      │ X    │          │
 │ allocation                          │      │      │          │
 │ Minimum size                        │ 64KB │ 1KB  │ 16 bytes │
 │ Maximum size for one                │ 64KB │ 64MB384KB    │
 │ Maximum size total                  │ 64KB │ 64MB384KB    │
 │ Number available                    │ 1    │ 255  │ 24KB     │

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