VMB from an OS/2 V2.0 Program

 *  BOOTA:  A simple program to start a DOS Boot session under OS/2 2.0.
 *          This program can be run from an OS/2 command prompt and it
 *          then starts to Boot DOS from the A: drive.
 *  Last Modfied: 04/02/92
 *  Author: Stacey Barnes
 *  Modified: Jeff Muir

#include <os2.h>

/* messages used by BOOTA */
PSZ pBootAMsg = "BOOTA: Booting DOS from A: Drive.\r\n";
PSZ pBootSuccess = "Session started.\r\n";
PSZ pBootFailure = "Session could not be started.\r\n";

STARTDATA startd;                  /* Session start information */
USHORT    SessionID, ProcessID;    /* Session and Process ID for new session*/

void main(void)
  USHORT       rc;

  /* Print header message */

  /* Init fields to Boot from A: drive */
  startd.Length                   = sizeof(STARTDATA);
  startd.Related                  = SSF_RELATED_INDEPENDENT;
  startd.FgBg                     = SSF_FGBG_FORE;
  startd.TraceOpt                 = SSF_TRACEOPT_NONE;
  startd.PgmTitle                 = "Boot A: Drive";
  startd.PgmName                  = NULL;
  startd.PgmInputs                = NULL;
  startd.TermQ                    = NULL;
  startd.Environment              = "DOS_STARTUP_DRIVE=A:\0";
  startd.InheritOpt               = SSF_INHERTOPT_PARENT;
  startd.SessionType              = SSF_TYPE_VDM;

  /* Start the DOS Boot Session */
  rc = DosStartSession( &startd, &SessionID, &ProcessID );

  /* Print out either Success or Failure message */

This sample shows how to start a VMB from a DOS diskette by using an OS/2 V2.0 program.

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