Step 3 - Large Memory Allocation

Execute the program MEMLAB1.EXE, and instruct the program to perform the following:

  • Allocate 1048576 integers (4MB).

  • Use 67584 integers (254KB) for read/write.

    Note: This will take some time to complete. Please be patient.

    Check the program code to see how the memory allocation is done. Explain why this method works for all sizes of memory allocation. Compare this to the OS/2 V 1.x memory allocation scheme.

    If you are able to do the exercise Please do so now. If not, refer to the following explanation.

    If the program does not work, check for the free disk size on the logical drive where the SWAPPER.DAT file is located. Erase excess files and rerun the program. Contact your instructor for further assistance.

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    [Next: Expected Results from Exercise 1]