Adapter Components

The different parts of the adapters are illustrated in Figure "Adapter Component Block Diagram", and are described below:

  • Local microprocessor, RAM and ROM

    An Intel 80188 microprocessor controls the operation of the adapter. It translates commands received from the system into a series of operations to implement the desired results. The processor also manages the intelligent buffer, controls data transfers to and from the system, controls the SCSI bus, and handles error detection/recovery.

    The program code that controls the processor is stored in a local read-only memory (ROM) module. There is also a Random Access Memory (RAM) module available for storage of work information.

  • System interface controls

    The system interface controls provide command and interrupt registers that allow the processor to receive commands from the system and to interrupt the system when a command is complete.

  • SCSI bus control

    The SCSI bus control chip is an electronic circuit module used by the processor to control the SCSI bus. It is used to transmit commands, receive status information and transfer data between the adapter card and attached SCSI devices. It also provides the following functions: