
When the processor is running in protected mode, interrupts are not vectored from the base of memory. Instead, each interrupt has a code which is used as an index into an Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT), the base address of which is contained in the Interrupt Descriptor Table Register. There may be up to 256 interrupt and exception codes, generated by devices or by software.

At system initialization, the IDT is loaded into memory by the operating system, and its location is stored in the IDT register. Each descriptor in the IDT specifies the address of the interrupt handler routine, which will service interrupts with that code.

There are three types of gate descriptors in the IDT:

  • Interrupt gate descriptors

  • Trap gate descriptors

  • Task gate descriptors.

    For interrupt and trap gates, the descriptor in the IDT contains the selector of the gate, and therefore points indirectly to a procedure that will execute within the current task, since the selector within the gate procedure points directly to an executable segment descriptor in the GDT or the current LDT. This takes place exactly as if the 80386 were calling a procedure within the current application.

    For the task gate, however, the selector within the gate points to a TSS descriptor in the GDT. Invoking the task gate, therefore, causes a task switch to occur. There are certain advantages to the use of a task gate, since it allows a program to pass control to a higher privilege level, and the application may therefore invoke operating system routines to process interrupts and exceptions. In addition, the new task may be given its own LDT to prevent it from accessing memory used by the current task, and the TSS of the current task is automatically saved.

    However, there are also performance implications in using task switching. Interrupt handling through task switching requires approximately 15 microseconds on a 20 MHz 80386, while switching to a procedure within the current task takes about 3.6 microseconds. But, the advantages of having the operating system manage exceptions (smaller application code, greater portability, standard exception handling) usually outweigh the slight performance penalty.

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