Bidirectional User Interface

The following keyboard key combinations are supported in a full-screen screen group in a bidirectional support enabled system:

  • National-Language Layer (Alt+Right Shift) switches the keyboard to its national language mode. Typed keys produce NL characters.

  • Latin Layer (Alt+Left Shift) switches the keyboard to its Latin language mode. Typed keys produce Latin characters.

  • Screen Reverse (Alt+Newline) switches the orientation of the screen. Screen maybe either in Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left orientation.

  • Field Reverse (Alt+NumLock) temporarily switches the direction of the cursor within a line or field.

  • PUSH (Shift+NumLock) temporarily switches the direction of the cursor within a line or field. Characters are PUSHed (as in a pocket calculator) in the direction which is opposite to the screen orientation.

  • End Push (Shift+NumPad /) ends PUSH mode.

  • AutoPush (Alt+NumPad /) Toggle key that enables automatic activation and deactivation of PUSH mode, based on the keys that are typed on the keyboard.

  • Bidi Status (Alt+ScrollLock) activates a pop-up window that displays the bidirectional settings for the current screen group. The user is able to change these settings by manipulating fields in the pop-up window.

    The following are Arabic-specific keyboard functions.

  • AutoShape/Base (Alt+NumPad 4) toggles the keyboard between automatically (context dependent) shaped characters and base shapes.

  • Shape Isolated (Alt+NumPad 2) typed characters are in isolated shape.

  • Shape Initial (Alt+NumPad 1) typed characters are in initial shape.

  • Shape Middle (Alt+NumPad 7) typed characters are in middle shape.

  • Shape Final (Alt+NumPad 8) typed characters are in final shape.

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