FDISK Program

The full-screen version of FDISK is used during installation of the operating system. It provides users with the same functions as the FDISKPM version. The full-screen version looks and acts in much the same way as FDISKPM, but does not support a mouse. The FDISK full-screen interface is shown in Figure "FDISK Utility (in Full-Screen Mode)".

In order to enable the initial installation environment where Presentation Manager facilities are not available, the FDISK program provides a command line interface with similar capabilities to those provided by the FDISKPM program. When combined with the setboot command line utility, the FDISK command line interface also allows modification of logical drive environments and changes to Boot Manager values via batch files or remote command line interfaces such as DCAF, for use in unattended environments.

The following syntax shows how to use the FDISK command:

<Drive:><path> FDISK parameter:value </option:value>

The PARAMETERS:VALUE specified in the FDISK command may be one of the following:

  • QUERY /CREATE:name /DELETE /SETNAME:name /SETACCESS /STARTABLE /FILE:filename Command 1: displays a list of all partitions and unused space on all hard disks.
    Command 2: creates a primary partition on disk 1 with a size of 20MB in the free space alias 01000030 and assigns it a boot name of OS2.
    Command 3: sets the partition named OS2 to be the startable partition.
    Command 4: displays the partition information of the partition named OS2. To process FDISK commands in the file MYFILE, type:
    FDISK /FILE:myfile

    OPTIONS limit the actions of the FDISK command and parameters. The valid options and their associated values are:

  • NAME:name /DISK:n /FSTYPE:x /START:m /SIZE:m /VTYPE:n 0 Space is not usable
  • Primary partition (not shared)
  • Logical drive (shared in an extended partition)
  • Free space that can be used to create a primary or extended partition. /BOOTABLE:s /BOOTMGR

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