Migration from Other Operating Systems

The Boot Manager architecture requires repartitioning of fixed disks already set up under any operating systems other than OS/2 Version 2.0. Although this may seem troublesome, it must be remembered that Boot Manager is only of use when multiple partitions are allocated, so it is likely that repartitioning would be necessary to support multiple operating systems.

Migration from previous versions of OS/2 to OS/2 Version 2.0 with Boot Manager is eased by installation support that allows migration to the new Boot Manager scheme with minimal user impact, other than the possible repartitioning discussed above. A Boot Manager installation on a system that had previous versions of OS/2 or DOS installed attempts to minimize the impact by providing as much automatic support during installation time as possible.

Note: There seems to be the possibility of a conflict between OS/2 V2.0's Boot Manager and other third party disk organizers and boot utilities. In order to avoid any trouble which could come up after installation of OS/2 V2.0 in these situations, it is highly recommended that a low-level format be performed before installing OS/2 V2.0. On a PS/2, such a low-level format can be performed by booting from the appropriate reference diskette and executing the Advanced Diagnostics (CTRL-A). Once Boot Manager is installed, future migration steps will not require such an operation.

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