Video Display Support

At general availability OS/2 Version 2.0 provides the most complete support for video systems which provide VGA resolution. This is the only resolution supported for "seamless" WIN-OS/2 sessions at this time and if using "seamless" WIN-OS/2 on a particular system, the Presentation Manager desktop must be configured to use this resolution even if the display hardware is capable of higher resolution output.

OS/2 V2.0 provides support for devices with lower resolutions than VGA, namely CGA and EGA, for all types of sessions except "seamless" WIN-OS/2. Use of CGA for Presentation Manager is not recommended.

Devices with resolutions above VGA (640x480, 16 colors) are known as Super VGA (SVGA). The OS/2 installation process will detect display systems capable of running in SVGA mode. However, because of the wide variety of display systems currently available that fall into this category, full support is not provided.

Support is provided for 8514 and XGA display systems and drivers for Presentation Manager and WIN-OS/2 full-screen sessions will be installed during system installation. All other SVGA display systems will be supported in VGA mode. Systems with 8514 and XGA display hardware can also run in VGA mode.

Support however is provided to allow DOS full-screen and WIN-OS/2 full-screen sessions to use the display system in SVGA mode even though Presentation Manager is using it as a VGA device. A base video device handler (VDH) is provided which permits switching the display system between VGA and an SVGA mode. The list of video modes currently supported is:

  • Graphic