Volume Manager

A number of changes have been made to the volume manager, in order to provide enhanced support for SCSI adapters, and to support the new SCB architecture request list data structures.

During the ABIOS initialization, one SCSI adapter-type logical ID (LID) will be generated for each SCSI adapter in the system. These LIDs cannot be allocated by the device driver, so in order to secure access to these LIDs, the device manager must include them in its list of LIDs.

The volume manager also supports fast path processing for the new request list data structures. These structures need no longer be transformed into request packets. However, volume verification must still be performed by the volume manager. This function is required since the system must support removable media.

If the device driver written for previous versions of OS/2 is used with the OS/2 Version 2.0 volume manager, it will give an "invalid device command" return code to the GetDeviceSupport() command from the file system. In this case, the file system must be structured in a compatible form for the device driver. The volume manager then functions as before with no changes.

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