Recovering the Desktop

During the installation of OS/2 V2.0, copies of certain system files (CONFIG.SYS, OS2.INI, and OS2SYS.INI) are placed in the \OS2\INSTALL subdirectory. If the system becomes corrupted and the desktop is no longer usable (after rebooting no icons appear on the desktop or the system TRAPs when starting), it is possible to use these copies to restore the system files to their initial state.

Warning: Using this function will restore the desktop to the same state it was in immediately after installation. Any customization done to the desktop after installation will be lost.

To perform this restore function, do the following;

  • Restart the computer.
  • Before the first OS/2 Logo panel appears, hold down Alt+F1 for 20 seconds.

    When you perform the recovery function described above, the current versions of those files are automatically renamed and are replaced by the default installation versions. If you have a STARTUP.CMD file, that file is also renamed, so that it will not be executed during the next system startup.

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