Program Loading

OS/2 V2.0 will load programs linked by both LINK386 (the linear executable linker) and by LINK (the segmented executable linker). Executables linked under previous versions of OS/2 can be executed without relinking on OS/2 V2.0.

Included in the executable files are relocation records (also referred to as fixup records), because not all address references can be resolved at the time of linking. These records are used by the OS/2 program loader to resolve addresses that were unknown at link time. There is a difference in the way that LINK386 and LINK packages fixup records. LINK386 fixup records are identified by the page to which they belong, whereas LINK produces fixup records by segment.

LINK386 executables are page orientated. LINK executables are segment orientated. The loader employs different strategies when handling modules produced by the different link editors. In both cases there is no preloading of any part of the executable. Loading only takes place when an attempt is made to access a section of the module, which is not already loaded.

In the case of LINK386, the executable will be loaded on a page-by-page basis. Reloading parts of a module that has been discarded is no problem since when a page fault occurs, the contents of the page and its fixup records can easily be recovered from the EXE or DLL file on disk.

With LINK executables, the situation is different as everything is segment based. The procedure that is followed depends on whether a particular segment is swappable or discardable. Again there is no preloading of segments. The initial load of a particular segment is triggered by a segment not present fault. At this time, sufficient pages to hold the segment will be allocated. The complete segment is loaded and fixups applied. If the segment and hence the pages that contain it are swappable, the fixup records are discarded. In the case of discardable segments, the fixup data is reorganized on a per-page basis and held in swappable memory. Pages of a swappable segment are recovered from the swap file. When a page of a discardable segment needs to be recovered, it must be reloaded from the EXE or DLL file. After the first load of the segment, only the page needs loading, as the fixup data is now available by page. Generally read-only pages are discardable, read/write pages are swappable.

However there is a further complication. Memory is always allocated in a multiple of 4KB pages. If a segment contains 20 bytes or 4000 bytes, one page will be allocated to contain it. There is a potential for using far more memory to load a program than the program actually requires. To overcome this, OS/2 V2.0 uses a technique called segment packing. A single page may contain parts from two or more segments. When segments are packed onto a page, the page is always marked swappable. This is true even if all segments on the page are read-only.

By default, segment packing is enabled. The MEMMAN statement has a new option NOPACK, which turns off segment packing. A segment will be considered for packing, if there are other qualifying segments, its is less than a certain size and if loaded on its own, would result in there being significant free space in the last or only page into which the segment is loaded. The current recommendation would be to leave segment packing enabled.

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