Managing Paging

Pages can have the following types:


Swappable Discardable Invalid

The operating system needs information over and above that contained in the page directories and the page tables to manage the paging process. OS/2 V2.0 builds three arrays of data structures that represent:

  • Committed pages in the process and system address spaces

  • Pages in physical memory

  • Pages held on secondary storage.

    The following sections describe these arrays and the way in which OS/2 V2.0 uses them.

    Virtual Pages

    A virtual page structure (VP) is allocated whenever a page is committed in response to an application request. No physical memory is allocated for the page at this time. The PTE is updated to point to the VP but the present bit in the page table is not set. When the page is first referenced, a page fault occurs. The allocation of physical memory is left to the last possible moment.

    The virtual page structure describes the current disposition of a page. When a page fault occurs, the virtual memory manager obtains the address of the VP from the page table entry, and uses the information held in the VP to determine the required action which must be taken to resolve the page fault. The possible actions are:

  • The page manager will provide a page, initialized to zeros if required

  • The page will be loaded from an EXE or DLL file

  • The page will be loaded from the swap file on secondary storage.

    If the page is to be loaded from an EXE or DLL, the VP contains a pointer to the loader block. If from the swap file, it points to a page in the swap file.

    Page Frames

    A page frame (PF) exists for each page of physical memory in the system. Page frames are stored in an array, which is indexed by the physical frame number within the system.

    A page frame may have one of three states:

  • Free, in which case the page frame is available for allocation to a process in the system. The page frame addresses of all the free pages in the system are held in a doubly linked list known as the free list, with PFs for fast planar memory at one end of the list, and PFs for the slower memory on adapters at the other end. This permits the allocation of faster memory before the slower memory.

  • In-use, in which case the page has been allocated to the current process in the system.

  • Idle, in which case the page frame has been allocated to a process, but no page table entries for the current process reference this frame. This lack of reference normally indicates that the process, which is using the page, has been switched out; that is, the process is not the current process.

    When the system is overcommitted, the number of free and idle page frames begins to fall. When it reaches a threshold level, pages are migrated from the in-use state to the idle state by a page ager. The page ager looks for pages that have not been accessed since the last time the page ager ran. The ager examines the accessed bit in the PTE. If clear, it marks the page not present. If a page is referenced by more than one PTE, a shared page, all PTEs must be marked not present before the page is placed on the idle list. The idle list is also a doubly linked list and least recently used (LRU) entries are at one end of the list and most recently used (MRU) entries are at the other end of the list.

    Pages are also classified as dirty or clean. A dirty page is one that has been written to and must have its contents swapped to disk before it can be allocated to another process. A clean page does not need to be swapped out, since it typically contains code or read-only data, which can be reloaded from the original file on disk. It could also be that a copy of the page currently exists in the swap file.

    Placing a page frame on the idle list does not destroy its contents. The page frame is only reused when the operating system is forced to steal a page frame from the idle list in order to accommodate the loading of a page after a page fault. The swapping of an idle swappable page to disk is also usually delayed until there is a need to reuse the page frame to satisfy a page fault. To take advantage of the capability of certain I/O adapters to chain operations, other pages on the idle list may be swapped out at the same time.

    Swap Frames

    A swap frame (SF) is similar to a page frame except that an SF refers to a slot in the swap file, which can be used to hold a page when main storage becomes overcommitted. The swap frame array is used to control allocation of space in the swap file. If the SWAP option is present on the MEMMAN statement in the CONFIG.SYS, the SWAPPER.DAT file will be created in the directory pointed to in the SWAPPATH statement. The initial size of the file is 512KB.

    The size of the swap file is determined by the amount of memory overcommitment in the system. The algorithm used in this calculation takes into account the amount of storage needed for all the fixed pages and swappable pages in the system and the amount by which this exceeds the physical storage installed in the system. The memory overcommitment is recalculated each time pages are committed. It should not be necessary to increase the size of the swap file each time pages are committed because of the fact that increases to the swap file will always be in steps of 512KB.

    However allocation of VPs to SFs does not take place when the page is committed. All the operating system ensures at this time is that there will be space in the swap file for the page when it becomes necessary to swap it out. The SF is allocated to the page when it is first selected from the idle list for swapping. When the page is swapped back in, the SF will not be immediately freed up, but a link to the VP is maintained. If the page is then again selected for swapping out before it has been changed, it will not be necessary to write it to disk as a copy of it still exists in the swap file.

    The OS/2 V2.0 swap file can also decrease in size. Decrements to the size of the swap file will be in 512KB blocks. When the overcommitment calculation indicates that the swap file is too large by one or more multiples of 512KB, the area at the end of the swap file is marked for shrinking. No new allocations of SFs in the area marked for shrinking will take place. When all SFs in the shrinkable area are free, the swap file is reduced in size. No attempt is made to force the freeing of SFs in this area; consequently there can be a longish delay in the swap file becoming eligible for shrinking and the shrinking actually taking place.

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